Friday 28 February 2014

BANG AGM will be in May this year - May 13th

Each year BANG holds an AGM for all our members at which we appoint our committee for the year ahead and review what we've achieved over the past year.

This year, due to date clashes in April, we will be holding the AGM in May. The date will be tuesday 13th May at 7.30pm, and we will meet in the Broomhill Methodist Church as normal.

Please put this date in your diary and do come along!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Sheffield University - Seeking volunteers for a research study on valuing health

I am a PhD student at the University of Sheffield. We are looking to interview members of the general public for a study about their opinions on the value of different aspects of health. This study should help researchers better understand the value that people place on health, which allows the NHS to make better decisions about what services to provide.

Participants would take part in a group meeting with 5 to 7 other members of the general public. They will be asked to individually complete a questionnaire comparing different health conditions. They will then be asked to discuss their thoughts about the task with other participants in the group. The meeting should last about two hours in total, and refreshments will be provided. The meetings will be conducted at Regent Court near West Street at the University of Sheffield. The ethics committee of the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield has approved this study.

Participants will be reimbursed a £15 gift voucher for their time.

A copy of the information sheet can be found at

If you are interested in taking part in the study, or if you have any questions you can contact Milad Karimi at or at 0114 222 6382.

Friday 14 February 2014

Broomhill Library Action Group considers legal action to keep our library open


Yesterday the council announced its revised proposals for public libraries, following the Libraries Consultation which ended 10 January 2013. 

The original proposal for the Central Library and 11 Hub Libraries remains the same, with a further 5 "co-funded" libraries. The remaining 11 (plus Tinsley when its lease expires in 2 years) will be run as "independent" libraries with funding available for buildings, etc, for which the libraries can bid. The funding is £262,000 per year for 3 years. The council were initially looking to save just over £800,000 per year. Council library staff will no longer be employed.

This means that Broomhill library will cease to exist in its present form, but will only remain open if run by volunteers. Although Broomhill Library Action Group (BLAG) asked that independent library status be considered for Broomhill, this was only presented as a last resort, born out of a desperate attempt to keep our library open. In its present form, BLAG does not have the capability or resources to run this library without the help of the wider community.

We firmly believe that not only Broomhill, but all the libraries should be kept open as part of Sheffield City Council's statutory library provision. We have fought very hard to keep this status and we are continuing to fight against these proposals.

We are proposing a legal action against the council which we want to discuss with local people at a public meeting on Saturday 15 Feb 10.30am at Beacon Methodist Church, Fulwood Rd, Broomhill. We are the only library group in the city to be considering such legal action.

We will also be discussing the implications of the council's decision. Please come and give your opinions.

Are you the owner of an interesting building in Broomhill?

Sheffield Civic Trust is encouraging owner of interesting buildings to consider being involved in the Heritage Open Days, this year being on 11 – 14 September. This is when buildings of interest make themselves available to be visited. For private houses, I would suggest a couple of hours when visitors would be welcome, or alternately, a tour or tours at specific times.
The process of becoming part of the scheme is straightforward: you register on the Heritage Days website, specifying what you plan to offer. The visit has to be free, but if (for example) you wished to provide tea and coffee etc, you could charge for that.
You will find all the details here  and then click “Can I take part?”